What To Do After Autism Diagnosis – Therapyland

What To Do After Autism Diagnosis – Therapyland

An estimated 2.3% of children are affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or Asperger’s syndrome in the United States. When you think about these numbers, it’s probable that most everyone has a connection with someone affected by autism, whether they have it themselves or they care for someone with autism. Although there are more people with autism in the world than many people realize, it can still be overwhelming and stressful for parents learning about their child’s diagnosis.

People react to an autism diagnosis differently, but it is without a doubt a life-changing event for parents when they learn about their child’s autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. It comes as a shock to some, and to others, it is a relief to learn why their child is behaving differently.

As a parent of a newly diagnosed child, you might be wondering, what happens after a diagnosis of autism? We’ve put together some tips to help you through this time and prepare you for raising a child with autism.

Steps to Take After an Autism Diagnosis

Take a Breath

Your child’s autism diagnosis doesn’t have to change your child’s future and all the wonderful things they can achieve. In fact, early intensive behavioral intervention can make a huge difference. However, like all children, they will look to their parents for guidance and support so it’s important for you to remain calm and optimistic. Take a breath and prepare yourself to face some challenges as children with autism tend to require a bit more care and patience from the whole family.

Research Autism

There is plenty of information about autism and similar disorders available; you should do as much research as you can to learn more about it. Researching helps you understand how children with autism experience the world and gives you the opportunity to gather essential information that will help you take care of your child. You’ll encounter advice about what to do and what not to do when raising your child with autism.

Talk to Other Parents with a Child Diagnosed with Autism

Other parents with a child diagnosed with autism are another great resource and support group. They can share their own experiences and offer advice. These parents know the intricacies of a child’s behavior and will have tools to help navigate the ups and downs. You can learn about the different therapies they’ve had success with, the foods their child will eat, the activities they enjoy, the methods they use to handle a bad moment, and more. There is a large community of support made of many parents of children with autism or other developmental disabilities ready to help.

Develop Routines

Having a routine plays a crucial role in every child’s overall growth and development, and it is even more important for children with autism. Structured environments and familiar routines are particularly helpful for children with autism because they appreciate repetition and predictability. You’ll want to establish a weekly and daily schedule of school and activities, but you’ll also want to establish small routines throughout the day. For example, there should be a timed routine for getting ready in the morning including tasks like showering, getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, and so on.

Follow the routine as closely as possible once your child gets used to it. If you ever need to make changes, include your child in the discussion and give them plenty of notice.

Let Professionals Help You Out

Learning that your child has autism can be overwhelming and leave you feeling lost. It also comes with multiple new responsibilities as well. Professionals, such as doctors, therapists, and counselors, are experts in working with children diagnosed with autism so you can be confident when seeking out their services.

Services such as ABA therapyphysical therapyspeech & language therapyoccupational therapy, and feeding therapy were developed to help children learn essential living skills and develop social skills to better navigate the world.

Therapists are not just good for children with autism. You might find family therapy beneficial for everyone. It can teach you some ways to communicate better with your child after an ASD diagnosis. Therapy also helps other members of the family cope with all the changes and new challenges.

Give Your Child a Better Life with the Help of Therapyland

At Therapyland, our evidence-based practice and clinical expertise allow us to provide comprehensive behavioral intervention programs to treat children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We are the largest and most advanced all-inclusive pediatric therapy center in the state of Georgia and offer a wide range of therapies for children with autism spectrum disorder. Our therapists collaborate between different disciplines and will provide you with personalized solutions designed to treat specific symptoms of your child. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!

From helping children develop physical skills, self-help skills, and communication skills to offering a safe and controlled environment for socializing, our therapies aim at overall growth while improving the child’s life in all areas. Our team of therapists can also explain autism function to you while helping you create a routine for your child and providing extra support whenever you need it.

Call us at 678-648-7644 or fill out the contact us form to start the intake process for your child with autism. We have multiple well-equipped state-of-the-art facilities in Georgia, including our Lawrenceville, Alpharetta, and Kennesaw locations.