Approximately 17% of children in the United States have some type of developmental disorder, whether it be autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, a learning disability, or something else. With the number growing every year, the need for therapeutic services and other resources for affected families has never been greater.

Therapyland was founded on the idea of bringing together quality therapy and education methods within one facility in order to provide comprehensive treatment solutions for autism spectrum disorders, developmental disorders, and other anxiety disorders that best meet the individual needs and symptoms of each child.

At the heart of our mission is a belief that every child can learn and grow into a well-balanced, happy, and successful adult. This philosophy guides us as we work with all types of families to teach parents and children coping skills to help them navigate the unique challenges that come with developmental disorders.

Our Approach to Learning and Behavior Therapy

At Therapyland, we believe that all children should not just survive, but also thrive. We use applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy to reinforce desirable behaviors, discourage unwanted behaviors, increase self-esteem, improve social skills, and develop emotional competence. Our ABA therapy services also aim to enhance academic performance and teach life skills that lead to greater independence and overall well-being.

We use an interdisciplinary approach to develop a personalized program for each child that might include behavioral therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy, speech-language therapy, and augmentative and alternative communication therapy. Additionally, we encourage parent training and group therapy sessions to help all family members with communication and stress management.


Thane Brooks, co-founder and CEO of Therapyland, dreamed of an innovative place that would enable his daughter to thrive and progress. He dreamed of a place where other children would benefit from Jaslyn’s existence. He dreamed of a place that would make a difference in the world of many children, their families, and the community.

A Special Place for Families

Thane saw a need for a family-friendly environment where other children with special needs could be introduced to the world of therapeutic play and benefit from a holistic approach to developing desired behaviors and life skills. He envisioned a safe haven where children with cognitive, physical, emotional, and social challenges could be taught skills to help them succeed through evidence-based treatments.

With this vision in mind, Thane brainstormed a welcoming place where parents could come and retreat in peace, if even for a little while. Where they could bring their child so they could receive positive attention and overcome their adolescent anxiety and adjust negative behaviors in a fun, but controlled environment. A place where they have access to the most remarkable therapists and educators, yet don’t feel like each therapy session is a chore. And finally, a place where children can truly be themselves without fear of judgment. The result of Thane’s vision is the exceptional team and caring atmosphere at Therapyland.

Thane’s aspiration is for Therapyland to be a miracle resource for families who want the absolute best for their amazing children and share in his passion for their independence. This commitment, combined with an extraordinary level of service and a highly knowledgable team of therapists and experts, has made Therapyland the largest and most advanced all-inclusive pediatric behavior therapy centers in the state of Georgia.


Therapyland is dedicated to providing the finest therapies and education available to children with developmental delays, learning disabilities, or special healthcare needs. We promote positive growth through appropriate interventions for behavior problems that enable children to enjoy a rewarding life.

Our goal is to create collaborative relationships between parents and behavioral therapists in order to achieve effective therapeutic results for their children. We are committed to supporting and growing our professional team by promoting therapeutic excellence through interdisciplinary teamwork and community outreach.


Therapyland’s vision is to create multiple opportunities for children to achieve developmental milestones by increasing performance and independence in all environments. Through demonstrated excellence in the most friendly environment, our goal is to provide the best evidence-based practice in conjunction with clinical expertise.

Our success as a company stems from the principle that the needs of the child come first, and any change implemented into the environment must be measured against its impact on the child. Our focus is always on what benefits the child and their development.